Two Prayers of Lament by AFRECS Board members

God of the Angel Armies,

You, the Love that Suffers,

You who loved the Creation into being:

How long will you put up with man’s inhumanity to man?

How long must fear and hate and lust infect our tribes, infect our hearts?

Come, Lord Jesus.

Make us clean, or make a clean end of your experiment. 

                                                Richard J. Jones


O Lord, my strength and my redeemer,

 My heart weeps for the suffering of your people and creation, across your created order.

 Hear my prayers for justice, righteousness, truth telling, mercy, and peace.

 Open all our hearts and minds to actions that serve the Way of Love.

 Into Your heart I commend my pleas, O ever faithful One.  

                                                            Susan E. Bentley