Partnership is key to AFRECS mission, and we work to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships that encourage peace and development in the Sudans. To learn more about how your church or organization can work with AFRECS, please contact us today.
Current Partners
- Chevy Chase United Methodist Church
- Christ Church Episcopal, Alexandria VA/Diocese of Renk
- Church Association for Sudan & South Sudan (CASS), Bath, UK
- Colorado Episcopal Foundation
- Diocese of Salisbury, UK
- Episcopal Churches of South Sudan & Sudan University Partnership
(ECSSSUP) - Episcopal Diocese of Chicago/Diocese of Renk
- Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia/Province of Sudan/
Diocese of Bradford UK - Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
- Episcopal Parish Network – EPN (previously CEEP)
- Episcopal Relief & Development
- Five Talents
- Global Partnerships & Mission Personnel, The Episcopal Church
- Grace Episcopal Church, Lexington VA
- New Wineskins
- Society of the Transfiguration, Cincinnati OH
- South Sudan Diaspora Network for Reconciliation & Peace (SSDNRP)
- St. Francis Episcopal Church, Great Falls VA/Diocese of Ezo
- St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Annapolis MD
- St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Arlington VA
- St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Barrington IL/Diocese of Renk
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Alexandria VA
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Rochester, NY
- Women of St. Michael’s & All Angels, Dallas