Support the Peacebuilding work of the Episcopal Churches of South Sudan and Sudan through AFRECS!
AFRECS uses the funds it receives to support the work of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) and the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS). In 2024 AFRECS has provided the following assistance to the Episcopal Church of Sudan and the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. YOU CAN PARTNER ON SOME OF THE FOLLOWING.
- Emergency assistance to the Episcopal Church of Sudan. Ousted in 2023 from its Cathedral and compound in Khartoum by RSF marauders, it relocated to Port Sudan. It struggles to provide limited funds to its scattered pastors for congregational food and other needs ($5000). Can you help?
- Reopening Shukai Theological College, ravaged in Omdurman, at temporary new location Port Sudan, requiring rent and staff salary support. Can you help?
- Emergency assistance to the South Sudanese Bishops of Renk and Aweil Dioceses (near the border of Sudan) for shelter for refugees flooding in from Sudan. ($5000)
- Funding for trauma healing implemented by the Mothers Union (Episcopal women) of South Sudan. AFRECS works in partnership with the Five Talents organization. Trauma healing ministry takes place with savings groups, mostly of women. Savings groups undergo a year of literacy, numeracy, and microfinance before mobilizing their small savings into loans so that members can start very small businesses. Participants learning to trust each other with their money find they can share with each other their stories of rape, finding healing in discussion, liturgy and guided Scripture study. It works! Participants become peacebuilders in their families and in the community ($18,000). Can you help?
- Assistance to girls attending the Hope Primary School in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan – washable sanitary pads to avoid no school during menstruation, construction of simple bathroom facilities ($2038).
- Scholarship support for students at the unfolding Episcopal University of South Sudan – funds for women and men in the law and theological faculties ($5000). Can you help?
- Special needs as they arise (e.g. COVID help in 2021, possible help in 2024 with a new flooding threat).
All contributions are tax deductible.
Click here for a printable donation form,
and mail it and your check payable to:
PO Box 3327
Alexandria, VA 22302