The American Friends of the Episcopal Church of the Sudans, founded in 2005, is a network of individuals, churches, dioceses, and other organizations that seeks to focus attention on the pastoral and peacebuilding needs and priorities of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) and the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) and to enable American friends to assist both churches in meeting the needs of their peoples.

- Fosters a network of people and organizations interested in being in relationship with and assisting our brothers and sisters in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) and the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS); works to enhance the effectiveness of the network in responding to their needs.
- Provides information on activities of the dioceses and the Provinces of the ECSS and the ECS and on their relationships with U.S. partners — Episcopal parishes, dioceses and organizations — in order to encourage proliferation of such relationships.
- Channels funding from donors to projects in South Sudan and Sudan, partnering with Episcopal Church leaders and laity, to promote education, generation of livelihoods, trauma healing and peacebuilding.
- Advocates, in cooperation with other non-government organizations, on behalf of peace and justice in South Sudan and Sudan.
- A website that provides timely information on AFRECS activities and ECSS/ECS needs and concerns to a world-wide audience;
- A monthly E-letter on developments in the ECSS and ECS, cooperative endeavors between Episcopalians in both countries, and AFRECS initiatives.
- Periodic webinars and conferences to bring together AFRECS members, Episcopal leaders in both countries and the diaspora to highlight possible cooperative endeavors.